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Discover an exquisite, rare vintage! “VINUM” is the offspring of the collaboration of two passionate researchers, winemaker Francesco Mondini and artist Stefano Favaretto. Who are they and what does their collaboration consist of? Following 17 years of research, and with the help of archeologists, historians and agronomists, the Tuscan Francesco Mondini has brought to life a unique wine made according to authentic Etruscan wine-making methods. Left to rest in terracotta vessels three meters below ground, the wine gradually acquires a full palette of rich and subtle aromas, and a flavor of great intensity. Stefano Faveretto, an international artist and the “photographer of the invisible,” has managed to capture the ancient Etruscan spirit on film. His lens records the golden reflections of the Etruscan’s sun and using it he creates a unique label for such a fine wine. 
The entire stock of the 2014 vintage consists of only 30 bottles, each adorned with a unique label signed and certified by the artist. This is a product with a twofold artistic value, the elixir itself and the bottle with its label. Faveretto’s image and label express the essence of what Barthes termed the “studium,” a kind of education whereby we learn about a picture. But they also express the “punctum,” an aspect, often simply a detail of a photograph, which holds our gaze independently of any question of meaning or beauty. Both object the bottle and subject the wine in this case have a spiritual value where new ideas of art and culture merge eloquently, where signifier and signified marry and enhance each other, and where head and heart are equally engaged.

©2019 by Tarazona Miriam Farm 

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